New Hampshire Plant Growers Association
The New Hampshire Plant Growers Association is a non-profit organization with a mission to grow and nurture the interests of horticulture and horticultural allied trades in New Hampshire. The NHPGA represents over 200 horticultural and allied trade businesses – part of the vibrant $276 million environmental horticulture industry in New Hampshire. Members include florists, garden centers, greenhouses, landscape service providers, nurseries, sod growers and related wholesale operators.
In 2011 the NHPGA partnered with the New Hampshire Farm Bureau. The NHPGA continues to be its own entity, but many administrative duties have been assumed by NHFB. These duties include complete bookkeeping services as well as phone and mail service. Other responsibilities include the maintenance of the NHPGA database, mailing information to NHPGA members, and assisting with the Summer and Winter Meetings. The partnership between the two organizations is intended to benefit the NHFB as well. The horticulture industry is a major contributor to agricultural business in New Hampshire. This relationship allows the NHFB to increase its reach to this industry.
Mission Statement:
Promote the sale, purchase and exhange of New Hampshire Grown plants. Keep members informed on issues affecting the ornamental horticulture industry in New Hampshire. Link New Hampshire growers to one another and to New Hampshire retailers. Connect gardeners to New Hampshire garden centers and retailers. Support horticultural research. Be a resource for information about plant growing to members and gardening enthusiasts. Partner with other agricultural organizations, both locally and regional, to fulfill NHPGA’s mission.
Copyright ©2024 New Hampshire Plant Growers Association. All Rights Reserved
contact nhpga c/o NH Farm Bureau 295 Sheep Davis Rd Concord, NH 03301 (603) 224-1934